Araştırma Ekibi
MERYEM BEKLİOĞLUProf. Biyolojik bilimler, ODTÜ. ODTÜ Limnoloji Laboratuvarı Başkanı Ekosistem Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi (EKOSAM) Başkanı Uluslararası Limnoloji Topluluğu (SIL) Yardımcı Başkan e-posta: |
ERIK JEPPESENProf. Biyoloji, Aarhus University, Denmark Ziyaretçi Prof. Biyolojik Bilimler, ODTÜ ODTÜ Limnoloji Laboratuvarı e-posta: |
GÜLCE YALÇINDr. Öğretim Görevlisi Ekosistem Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi (EKOSAM), ODTÜ ODTÜ Limnoloji Laboratuvarı Uluslararası Limnoloji Topluluğu (SIL) Erken Kariyer Araştırmacı (ECR) Topluluğu Temsilcisi e-posta: |
DİLVİN YILDIZDr. Araştırma Uzmanı Ekosistem Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi (EKOSAM), ODTÜ ODTÜ Limnoloji Laboratuvarı e-posta: |
MUSTAFA KORKMAZDoktora Sonrası Araştırmacı Ekosistem Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi (EKOSAM), ODTÜ e-posta: |
ODTÜ Limnoloji Laboratuvarı ODTÜ Yer Sistem Bilimleri e-posta:
FERİDE AVCIDoktora Öğrencisi ODTÜ Limnoloji Laboratuvarı ODTÜ Biyolojik Bilimler e-posta: |
HİLAL KIRANDoktora Öğrencisi ODTÜ Limnoloji Laboratuvarı ODTÜ Biyolojik Bilimler e-posta: |
GÜL CANAN YAVUZYüksek Lisans Öğrencisi ODTÜ Limnoloji Laboratuvarı ODTÜ Biyolojik Bilimler e-posta:
EMİNE BÜŞRA MÜLAYİMYüksek Lisans Öğrencisi ODTÜ Limnoloji Laboratuvarı ODTÜ Biyolojik Bilimler e-posta:
İREM GAMZE ARIKYüksek Lisans Öğrencisi ODTÜ Limnoloji Laboratuvarı ODTÜ Biyolojik Bilimler e-posta:
CEMREAY DEDEYüksek Lisans Öğrencisi ODTÜ Limnoloji Laboratuvarı ODTÜ Biyolojik Bilimler e-posta:
ZEYNEP DİLBE UYARYüksek Lisans Öğrencisi ODTÜ Limnoloji Laboratuvarı ODTÜ Yer Sistem Bilimleri e-posta:
HİLAL AYDINYüksek Lisans Öğrencisi ODTÜ Limnoloji Laboratuvarı ODTÜ Biyolojik Bilimler e-posta:
EREN ÖZCANYüksek Lisans Öğrencisi ODTÜ Limnoloji Laboratuvarı ODTÜ Biyolojik Bilimler e-posta:
GİZEM AYDINYüksek Lisans Öğrencisi ODTÜ Limnoloji Laboratuvarı ODTÜ Biyolojik Bilimler e-posta: |
HALİME KARATOPRAKYüksek Lisans Öğrencisi ODTÜ Limnoloji Laboratuvarı ODTÜ Biyolojik Bilimler e-posta:
ARJETE BRAHUSHAYüksek Lisans Öğrencisi. ODTÜ Limnoloji Laboratuvarı ODTÜ Biyolojik Bilimler e-posta: |
Doktora öğrencileri
3. PhD. Feride Avcı, Microbial loop association with methane emission
2. PhD. Hilal Kıran, The relationship between stressors and ecosystem functions through response and effect traits of macroinvertebrates.
1. PhD. Deniz Başoğlu Acet, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services of the Ponds and Pond Networks in Turkey.
Yüksek lisans öğrencileri
6. Arjete Brahusha, Zooplankton community structure and abundance changes in salinization and warming experiment
5. Zeynep Dilbe Uyar, Exploring the adaptive responses of Daphnia species to gradual salinity fluctuations
4. İ.Gamze Arik, Effects of salinity on freshwater zooplankton in mesocosm experiment
3. Cemreay Dede, Effects of global change on lake zooplankton community structure and ecosystem functions
2. Büşra Mülayim, How pond characteristics affect macrophyte biodiversity and coverage
1. Gül Canan Yavuz, Interactive affect of heatwaves and salinity on zooplankton communities in mesocosm experiment 4.
Doktora sonrası araştırmacılar
1. Dr. Mustafa Korkmaz, Ekosistem Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi (EKOSAM)
Yüksek Lisans
36. MSc. Gizem Oğuz, Impact of biotic and abiotic factors on GHG emissions from ponds in rural Ankara
35. MSc. Hilal Kıran, 2023. Assessment of macrophyte dıversity and ecosystem servıces of pond ecosystem.
34. MSc. Feride Avcı, 2023. Assessment of zooplankton community structure diversity in pond ecosystem.
32. MSc. Vildan Acar, 2022. Community Assembyly rules for phytoplankton community of Turkish Shallow Lakes using functional traits.
32. MSc. Melisa Metin, 2022. Effects of dissolved organic carbon and zooplankton grazing on phytoplankton community.
31. MSc.Sinem Yetim, 2021. Effects of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and zooplankton grazing pressure on bacteria and ciliates.
30. MSc. Duygu Tolunay, 2018.Impact of extreme meteorological events on carbon cycle of Lake Eymir using real-time automatic lake observation station.
29. MSc. İbrahim Kağan Özgencil, 2017. Elucidating the patterns in mid-winter waterbird surveys by using climate, lake water level changes and macrophyte records.
28. MSc. Deniz Başoğlu, 2017. Dietary pattern induced greenhouse gas emission and waterfoot print estimations in Turkey.
27. MSc. Esra Kuzkaya, 2016. Modelling of ecosystem changes in Lake Eymir.
26. MSc. Zeynep Ersoy, 2015. Impact of nutrient and water level changes on submerged macrophytes along a latitudinal gradient: Pan European mesocosm experiments
25. MSc. Ali Serhan Çağan, 2015. Comparing ecological stracture of Turkish Shallow Lakes between the seasons, and wet & dry periods.
24. MSc. Peren Tuzkaya, 2015. The Influence of Land Use and the Catchment Properties on the Trophic Status of Shallow Lakes in Turkey. (Co-supervisor)
23. MSc. Jennifers Kalvenas, 2014. Determination of Carbon Dioxide flux in shallow lakes of Turkey.
22. MSc. Ece Saraoğlu, 2012. Impact of water level fluctuations and fish on macroinvertebrate community and periphyton growth in shallow lakes - a mesocosm approach.
21. MSc. Nur Filiz, 2012. Impacts of climate induced extreme events on phytoplankton community in shallow lakes.
20. MSc. Tuba Bucak, 2011. Determining the roles of fish predation and water level fluctuations on ecosystem structure and dynamics of shallow lakes with a mesocosm experiment.
19. MSc. Eti Levi, 2009. Paleolimnological assessment of past aquatic vegetation Dynamics and ecosystem state in Turkish shallow lakes.
18. MSc. Onur Kerimoğlu, 2008. Influence of large scale atmospheric systems on hydrology and ecology of Turkish lakes.
17. MSc. Korhan Özhan, 2008. Determinating role of nitrogen for submerged plant development by a mesocosm experiment
16. MSc. Gizem Bezirci, 2008. Impacts of multistressors on the survival and life history traits of Daphnia pulex.
15. MSc. Özge Karabulut, 2007 Determination of submerged and emergent plants of shallow lakes wetlands using remote sensing as a tool.
14. MSc. Arda Özen, 2006. Role of hydrology, nutrients and fish predation in determining the ecology of a system of shallow lakes.MSc.
13. MSc. Burcu Karapınar, 2005. Impact of sewage effluent diversion, biomanipulation and hydrology on mass balance of nutrients in a system of shallow Mediterranean Lakes Eymir & Mogan.
12. MSc. Ayşe Özge Kepenek, 2005 (co-supervisor). Preliminary approach for determination of fish exuded kairomone using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy.
11. MSc. Mustafa Gökmen, 2004. Modelling of nitrogen removal efficiency of the wetlands surrounding Lake Mogan.
10. MSc. Mohammed Kisambri, 2003.. The impact of water level fluctuations on development of submerged plants and the role of submerged plants in stabilizing clear-water state Lake Mogan, Turkey.
9. MSc. Pelin Zorlu, 2003. Optimization of laboratory assays of diel vertical migration of Daphnia pulex in determining fish kairomones using bacterial degradation.
8. MSc. Can Ozan Tan, 2002. The roles of hydrology and nutrients in alternative equilibrium of two shallow lakes of Anatolia, Lake Eymir and Lake Mogan: Using monitoring and modeling approaches.
7. MSc. Gizem Verda Oğul, 2002 Alkyl phenols in the different tissues of fish caught in Lake Eymir and Kurtbogazi dam Lake.
6. MSc. H. Elif Özcan, 2002. Combined effects of the 4-nonylphenol and fish kairomones on the survival, morphology and life history traits of Daphnia magna stratus.
5. MSc. Mohhamed Sillah, 2002. The role of Submerged plants in stabilizing water clarity and the migration pattern of dominant zooplankton in Lake Eymir, Turkey.
4. MSc. Çagrı Bülent Muluk, 2001. Diel vertical displacement and life history variables of Daphnia pulex in Lake Eymir, Ankara.
3. MSc. Duygu Ay Zöğ, 2001 (co-supervisor). Isolation and partial characterization of aquatic bacteria from Lake Eymir, Ankara.
2. MSc. Murat Kıllı,1999. Contemporary Limnology of Çubuk II Dam Lake.
1. MSc. Levent S. Burnak, 1998. Pelagic Trophic Interactions: Clear versus Turbid in Lake Mogan and Lake Eymir.
14. PhD. Dilvin Yıldız, 2024. Shallow Lakes Under Pressure: The Role of Zooplankton in Mediating Lake Responses to Glabal Change, a Mesocosm Approach
13. PhD. Gülce Yalçın, 2024. Beyond the Surface: Unrevaling the Impacts of Microplastics, Dissolved Organic Carbon and Warming on Bacteria and Ciliates
12. PhD. Nur Filiz, 2023. Effects of Multiple Stressors on Phytoplankton Community.
11. PhD. Gizem Bezirci, 2017. Tracking the recent historical changes in Turkish Shallow Lakes based on a palaeoecological approach using diatoms.
10. PhD. Tuba Bucak, 2017. Impacts of climate change and land use on the ecosystem structure and services of Lake Beyşehir.
9. PhD. Eti Levi, 2016. Impacts of eutrophication and water level change in Turkish Shallow Lakes: a palaeocological approach utilizing plant remains and marker pigments.
8. PhD. Şeyda Erdoğan, 2016. Impact of eutrophication and climate change on phytoplankton community structure, size diversity, and phytoplankton based ecological status.
7. PhD. Jan. E. Coppens, 2016. The Role of hydyolic loading and nutrient in the ecology of Mediterranean Shallow Lakes.
6. PhD. Ayşe İdil Çakiroğlu, 2013. Salinity inference in inland Turkish shallow lakes based on paleoecology using sub-fossil cladocerans.
5. PhD. Arda Özen, 2012. Impact of top-down and bottom up controls on microbial loop in Turkish shallow lakes space for time susbstitude, monitoring, and measocosms approach
4. PhD. Ülkü Nihan Yazgan Tavşanoğlu, 2012. Zooplankton adaptation strategies agaist fish predation in Turkish shallow lakes.
3. PhD. Duygu Aruğaslan (co-supervisor) 2009. Differential equations with discontinuities and population dynamics.
2. PhD. Sara Banu Akkaş (co-supervisor) 2009.The effect of ecotoxicants on the aquatic food web and prey- predator relationships.
1. PhD. Elif Asuman Korkusuz (co-supervisor), 2004, Domestic wastewater treatment in pilot-scale constructed wetland implanted in the Middle East Technical University.
Doktora sonrası araştırmacılar
6. Dr. Tolga Coşkun, Impact of salinization on freshwater phytoplankton communities August 2022-
5. Dr. Cihelio Alves Amorim, Ecology of saline lakes, August 2021
4. Dr. Sarah Hasnain, Freshwater Zooplankton Communities (January 2022-November 2023)
3. Dr. Mario Sergio Dainez Filho, Pond Ecology (July 2021-January 2022)
2. Dr. Boris Janovic. Effects Ti02 on the aquatic food web (March - September 2014, TÜBİTAK, Germany and EU)
1. Dr. Thomas Boll. Native and invasive fish species distribution and environmental factors (March- 2013-2014, TÜBİTAK)